Digital MPs

User needs

We identified a set of user needs that informed our priorities, based on our work with MPs and their staff, as well as ethnography, interviews and surveys with constituents.


  • As an MP, I want to be able to communicate effectively with my constituents so they are informed about what I am doing
  • As an MP, I need to keep on top of the correspondence I receive so that I don't lose track of the most important contacts and issues
  • As an MP, I need better ways to delegate work to caseworkers to free up my time and focus
  • As an MP, I need better ways for my campaigns to reach as many people in my constituency as possible. I think technology could help with this?
  • As an MP, I would like to make sure that as many people as possible in my constituency know how to participate in giving me feedback and can inform me of their views.
  • As an MP, I would like to have current information and insights about societal trends and local issues so that I can be well informed when representing my constituents


  • As a caseworker, I would like to change the ways I deal with mass campaign emails and postcards so that I can respond more efficiently to campaigners
  • As a caseworker, I want to be able to assess the satisfaction of cases we respond to so that I can improve my effectiveness in future cases
  • As a caseworker, I would like to be using the most suitable tools and be using them appropriately so that I am able to best support my MP and their constituents with casework
  • As a team, we would like know about and use the best ways of communicating with constituents so that we can help them to meet with the MP if it's appropriate
  • As a team, we want to know what new technologies might be available to us so that we can better share information and engage with constituents
  • As a team, we want to know that how we are communicating is secure so that we can protect private information about our constituents.


  • As a citizen, I want to know what my MP can do for me and when I'm better off talking to someone else so that I know when they can best help me with an issue.As a citizen, I want to know about my elected officials so that they can help me
  • As a citizen, I want to be able to contact my MP using the methods I choose so that I'm using methods that I'm comfortable with
  • As a citizen, I want my MP to understand local issues so that I feel represented
  • As a citizen, I want to know what my MPs views are on different issues so that I can contact them when there's an issue I would like to speak to them further about